Serves: 02
332 kcal/serving
For the dressing: 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1/2 cup white sauce (made with 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 teaspoon wheat flour & 1/2 cup milk (skimmed), 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1tablespoon chooped celery. Salt and pepper to taste.
- Prepare white sauce. it will take 2-3 minutes. Allow it to cool.
- To Prepate the all season dressing, put all the ingredients for the dressing, together in a bowl. Mic gently and evenly to get smooth consistency.
- Prepate the fruit pieces and then mix with the dressing as required. Chill the salad before serving.
- Decorate with apple slice, orange sections and celery pieces.